Drama graduate program at University of Alberta

Drama graduate program

The Drama graduate program offers graduate projects prompting the level of PhD in Performance Studies, Master of Fine Arts degrees in Theater Design, Directing, Theater Voice Pedagogy, and Theater Practice, and Master of Arts in Drama degree.

The Department offers understudies admittance to a scope of expert offices during their investigations including execution, workshop, practice and homeroom space, libraries, graduate understudy workplaces, and admittance to PCs and class rooms. The Timms Center for the Arts gives a completely prepared, 289-seat-proscenium theater, a discovery second playing space, theater assortments, props shop, creation workplaces, closet, changing areas and a green room. The Fine Arts Building offers understudies the chance to study and work in an assortment of studio and execution spaces.

Furthermore, the theater assortment in the library is broad. It remembers a generous assortment of examination materials for theater around the world.

The point of the MFA programs is to prepare contender to a degree of competency adequate to enter the calling.

The MA program, basically research arranged, additionally offers preparing in dramaturgy as one of the methods by which up-and-comers might be effectively engaged with the imaginative quests for the Department, and furthermore gets ready for additional PhD examines.

The PhD in Performance Studies offers understudies progressed level grant, study and exploration in Drama and Performance, with a careful interdisciplinary core interest.

Optimizing through MA will be considered dependent upon the situation.

Requests ought to be routed to the Graduate Coordinator, Department of Drama.

Entrance Requirements for Drama graduate program

The Department’s base confirmation necessities for the MA degree are a college degree with an affirmation GPA of in any event 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the UAlberta or a comparable capability and remaining from a establishment. GPA will be carried out on the last ★60 of reviewed coursework finished, or on what could be compared to the most recent two years of full-time evaluated coursework.

The Department’s base confirmation necessities for the MFA degree are regularly a four-year degree with an affirmation GPA of in any event 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the UAlberta, or an similar capability and remaining from a foundation. GPA confirmation will be carried out on the last ★60 of evaluated coursework finished, or on what might be compared to the most recent two years of full-time reviewed coursework. Candidates who don’t meet the base confirmation necessities however who show excellent academic, innovative or proficient accomplishment may in any case be considered for affirmation.

The Department’s base confirmation necessities for the PhD degree are a Master’s certificate with an affirmation GPA of at any rate 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the UAlberta, or similar capability and remaining from a organization. The confirmation GPA will be determined on the last ★60 of reviewed coursework finished, or on what could be compared to the most recent two years of full-time evaluated coursework.

Where pertinent, candidates should meet the base FGSR English Language Requirement.

Candidates to the MA and PhD programs are likewise needed to present the accompanying

  • Educational plan Vitae/Resume
  • A new composing test on a drama-related theme
  • An examination proposition – see Department site for subtleties
  • Three letters of proposal.

Candidates to the MFA programs are needed to have critical reasonable venue experience. Candidates should likewise present the accompanying:

  • Letter of purpose
  • Educational program Vitae/Resume
  • Three letters of suggestion
  • Portfolio – see Department site for subtleties
  • Coordinating: a portfolio including discourse and additionally documentation of theater work, and an executive readiness see site for subtleties
  • Theater Design: a portfolio containing instances of freehand drawing, and some other craftsmanship you may have done, or documentation of other venue work
  • Theater Practice: a portfolio or tests of editorial on your work in the performing expressions
  • Theater Voice Pedagogy: a portfolio which remembers surveys or analyses for your work in execution, training or educating Theater Voice and Pedagogy candidates should likewise submit vocal arrangement of a particular play – see site for current rundown.

Financial Assistance for Drama graduate program

Graduate assistantships are accessible to qualified understudies. Graduate understudies are likewise qualified to go after University and commonplace grants.

Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate Courses

Courses of drama can be found in Course Listings under the heading Drama (DRAMA), and Theatre Design (T DES).